Arctic Cat Prowler 500 is one of the best sports utility off-road vehicles in the market. In 2017 they launched this vehicle in mid-size instead of large size as many users demanded the mid-size, side-by-side option.
It is smaller in size but larger in price value and with more advanced features. Ratings and comments differ of course, but some themes may be noted. In simple words, you should know what you are paying for and what to do to solve the problems if you buy the Arctic Cat Prowler 500.
So, to help you with that, we are going to talk about some common problems of Arctic Cat Prowler 500 and the solutions so you know what you will be facing and how you can easily solve the problems by yourself.
Common Problems of Arctic Cat Prowler 500 and Solutions:

Providing quality Snowmobiles, Side-by-Sides, and ATVs for beginners and professional riders Arctic Cat Inc. makes quality machines and vehicles. It is especially popular for the Arctic Cat Prowler 500 all-terrain UTV, which is capable of pushing a full workload as well as going on a trail ride at the end of the day. The Arctic Cat Prowler 500, however, has some common troubles that users and experts have troubleshooting.
So, below are given the common problems of Arctic Cat Prowler 500 and the solutions to the problems:
1. Faulty Brakes
If the brake of your brake does not work then it is no matter that you can take it lightly. The failure of parking brakes on Prowlers is a nuisance even for those who must tow occasionally. It can lead to serious accidents. An improper flex in the pedal or separation of the brake pads from the caliper can cause the brake to not respond properly.
To troubleshoot brake problems you need to step on the pedal and press it down. If it feels spongy then you might have air in your brake lines. You should replace the brakes in this case.
2. Fire Hazard From Fuel Leaks
The fuel leaks problem has been reported by many users of the Prowler 500 side-by-side. Fire hazards and fuel leaks are usually due to fabrication and assembly faults. A fuel leak or fire hazard issue could be caused by the fuel being fitted into the throttle on those models.
Well, if you face any kind of problems with your Arctic Cat Prowler 500 you can take it straight to the manufacturer company as they assured to repair this problem free of cost. Also, they are remaking their vehicles and have stopped selling the models which likely causes this problem.
3. Heated Clutch
A burning smell from your car, similar to burning rubber, indicates that your clutch is overheating. Most often, this occurs in slow-moving traffic. Heated Clutch is a commonly reported problem by the users of Arctic Cat Prowler 500. After using an Arctic Cat Prowler 500, some users reported difficulty restarting the vehicles when the clutch is heated. So, this is mainly the reason for the heated clutch. When your clutch is too heated it will become hard to keep holding the steering, which might lead you to unwanted accidents.
If you face the heating clutch problem then it is best to avoid jammed areas and do not keep the vehicle start option on when it is just standing. Also, you can seek help from an expert to replace the clutch
4. Belt slippage
Belt slippage is a common problem for not only Arctic Cat Prowler but also for many off-road vehicles. It is very tough to detect the problem as you will be smelling an odor if this happens and this is not easy to relate the cause.
Replacing a belt is not always necessary when you face belt sleeping problems. To stop the belt from slipping you can make additional adjustments during installation and calibration.
5. Bad Diaphragm Pump
Several previous Arctic Cat Prowler 500 models have been recalled for having a bad diaphragm. It can be a result of blending ethanol with gas and it can cause a lot of problems. For example- no power, leaking, sputtering, or horrible screeching noises when pulling something or going up a hill. This occurs primarily when the diaphragm does not move freely or the fuel level of the engine is low.
To solve the bad diaphragm problem you need to make sure that your engine fuel level is always enough while you drive. If not you should refill it. You should never drive with the minimum engine fuel.
6. Limited Warranty and High Maintenance
Many Arctic Cat Prowler users have complained about limited warranty and high maintenance costs. The vehicle needs frequent service to run smoothly. This model of Prowler’s intake and exhaust valve clearance settings needs to be checked every month to ensure you with the best service and better performance. But the maintenance cost is high and the warranty time is low which is a huge problem for the users.
Off-road vehicles like Arctic cat has a higher chance of being exposed to dust, mud, and water. And this elements causes fast wearing out if the vehicles. dust and dirt cause parts to wear out faster. To avoid heavy maintenance you need to do a regular clean-up of your Arctic Cat Prowler and refill the fuel before you drive the off-road car.
Final Words
So, every off-road vehicle like Arctic Cat Prowler will have some problems no matter the brand or model you choose. As the off-road vehicles are handled very roughly, their overall utility power slowly wears out. However, this does not mean you should keep yourself from buying Arctic Cat Prowler when you need it.
Every problem has a solution and that goes for Arctic Car Prowler as well. If you have read our article then you will be able to identify the common problems of Arctic Cat Prowler and solve the problems very easily.