Polaris Rangers XP and 4×4 models are similar except that the Ranger XP has a more powerful, liquid-cooled engine with 683cc twin cylinders that produce 40 horsepower. Polaris has introduced an electronic fuel injection system for its 700 engines. A hefty 1750 lb towing capacity is available for the Ranger XP 700 EFI, as well as a generous 1000 lb cargo box capacity.
However, even after having all the awesome specifications and features, there are some common problems with the 2008 Polaris Ranger XP 700. So, today we are going to talk about the Polaris Ranger XP 700 Problems And Solutions.
Common Problems of 2008 Polaris Ranger XP 700 and Solutions:

The Polaris Ranger is typically used on farms, whether small or large, whether for family or commercial purposes. It is an eco-friendly vehicle as it does not destroy the natural landscape. Using a Polaris Ranger to transport your crew, supplies, tools, and other materials is an excellent idea. This ranger can bring your team to a specific location in a low-impact manner. This equipment can minimize your working time, increase your productivity, and relieve your body and mind of tension.
So, you might get very disappointed if your Polaris Ranger is showing some drawbacks. But it is not very unlikely. In fact, it is common to have some common problems with a new vehicle. As a user, you certainly have the right to know the drawbacks. So, before you decide to buy this model, you should be aware of the problems to be fully prepared to know what you have paid for. So the common problems are-
1. A Lack Of Power Or A Running Problem
Polaris Ranger XP 700 users have reported a lack of power problem several times. They also noted that the engine runs fine when this happens. The engine only bogs when they push the accelerator, so they cannot rev it up. The most common reason behind this problem is either the bad/dirty TBAP sensor or the torn-out wiring.
The dirty TBAP sensor or the torn TBAP wiring are the two causes of the power problem. Therefore, as soon as one encounters this issue, they recommend checking both the TBAP sensor and the connecting wire correctly.
2. TPS Sensor Trouble
Polaris user forum users have posted their troubleshooting issues in reference to a 2006 Ranger 700xp model. Your problem signs can differ by having a Throttle Position Sensor regarding the series model. This means that most Ranger users experience sensor failure or incorrect response. Some Polaris 700xp owners claim they had trouble starting with the cold weather and rough running. After investigating, they discovered their TPS sensors were mostly damaged.
If you find your Polaris Ranger with TPS sensor problems then you should troubleshoot and check if the sensor is somehow clogged or broken. If broken you should replace the TPS sensor and that will solve this problem.
3. Fuel Tank With Insufficient Pressure
According to the users, the Ranger tends to cut out when driving 25 mph or when bogging down due to low fuel pressure. Some users also mentioned experiencing engine cuts out at 25 miles per hour and sluggish operation until the accelerator is fully pressed.
A Polaris ranger that runs out of fuel is due to shut down, and bogging occurs because of the buildup of debris on the engine body. The debris must be cleaned up in this case. A similar effect is also caused by the accelerator position during the Ranger engine’s operation when the TPS sensor is affected. So, you should be careful not to affect the sensor in any harmful way.
4. Hearing Clunk Sounds During Riding
While you are riding your 2008 Polaris Ranger you might hear clunking sounds during your rides. Many users have reported this issue with this model. Additionally, they have noticed that the vehicle does not respond to turns in either direction. Furthermore, the engine runs while forwarding or backward gears are inactive. The drive belt of your vehicle is generally responsible for this.
Polaris Ranger XP 700 makes an awkward clunking sound that may be caused by the drive belt, and the solution is to remove the cover to see if it’s damaged or broken. If you are sure that a broken belt is the cause of this problem, all you have to do is change the belt, and your Ranger will be all set to ride o again.
5. Blocked Fuel & Air Filters
Not only for rangers, but clogged air filters are also a very common problem in many other vehicles as well. It mostly happens when you drive on a road with too much dust. Due to the excessive amount of debris and corrosion that gets inside, the air filter or fuel can get blocked.
To solve the blocked and clogged air filter problem you should regularly clean your Polaris Ranger. In addition, you may want to check both of your Polaris Ranger’s spark plugs have gone bad, or if the wiring has become loose. You should start by checking the electrical coils, fuel pump and spark plugs of your Ranger if you notice any issues with the engine starting or running.
Final Words
If you want to do farming or just to visit the forests where your regular cars can not reach then a Polaris Ranger can be the best choice for you. Most users prefer them due to their ability to cope with rough terrain and tasks. Having some common problems does not make the 2008 Polaris Ranger a bad vehicle.
It is very common for any ranger to have some common problems no matter which brand you buy. Common problems of Polaris Ranger can also be solved very easily by regular troubleshooting and with a bit of knowledge of the problems and solutions. So, we hope this article helps you with detecting the problems of your 2008 Polaris Ranger XP 700 and solving them accordingly.