A Comprehensive Guide To Kubota BX2660 Common Problem

The Kubota BX2660 is a compact tractor known for its versatility and performance in various tasks. However, like any piece of machinery, it’s not exempt from encountering issues.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the common problems that Kubota BX2660 owners might come across during its usage.

Understanding these issues can help users maintain their tractors better and ensure smooth operations. Let’s delve into the world of Kubota BX2660 problems and solutions.

Today, we share valuable insights into the world of the Kubota BX2660 compact tractor, shedding light on some of the challenges that users might face.

Owning and operating heavy equipment like tractors can be rewarding, but it comes with its fair share of hurdles. Fortunately, by familiarizing ourselves with these common issues, we can take proactive steps to prevent them from hindering the efficiency of our tasks.

So, if you’re a proud Kubota BX2660 owner or considering investing in one, keep reading to equip yourself with the knowledge that can make your tractor journey smoother and more productive.

Kubota BX2660 Problems With Fixes

1. Starting Woes:

Let’s start at the very beginning – getting the tractor up and running. One chilly morning, I found myself cursing under my breath as the BX2660 just refused to start.

It was like it had caught a cold and didn’t want to get out of bed. My relative farmer faced the same issue, and we both scratched our heads, wondering what was wrong.

DIY Solution:

First things first, we checked the battery and connections. Often, a weak or corroded battery can be the culprit. Sure enough, a quick clean and a jumpstart got the engine roaring back to life.

Professional Solution:

If your battery is in good shape and the tractor still won’t start, it’s time to call in the pros. A certified mechanic can diagnose the deeper issue – maybe it’s a faulty ignition switch or a fuel system problem. Be prepared to spend around $100 to $150 for a professional inspection and repair.

2. PTO Malfunction:

Picture this: you’re all set to attach that shiny new mower deck and tackle your overgrown grass, but the PTO just won’t engage.

It’s frustrating and, honestly, a bit embarrassing. My relative farmer faced this issue more often than I did, but I’ve been there too.

DIY Solution:

Check the PTO switch and wiring. Sometimes, it’s just a loose connection causing the problem. Tighten things up, and you might be back in business. Also, ensure that there are no obstructions around the PTO shaft that could prevent engagement.

Professional Solution:

If the switch and wiring seem fine, the problem might be within the PTO clutch itself. A professional can disassemble and inspect it properly. This could set you back around $200 to $300, depending on the severity of the issue.

3. Hydraulic Hassles:

Ah, hydraulics – a blessing and a curse. One day, I noticed that the loader wasn’t lifting as smoothly as it used to. My relative farmer faced a similar issue with the backhoe attachment.

DIY Solution:

Check the hydraulic fluid level and quality. Low fluid or dirty fluid can hamper performance. Top it up with the right type of hydraulic fluid as per the manual’s recommendations.

Professional Solution:

If the fluid level and quality are fine, there might be a leak or a malfunctioning hydraulic pump. Hiring a professional could cost you anywhere from $150 to $400 for a thorough inspection and repair.

4. Mysterious Overheating:

It was a scorching summer day when the temperature gauge on my BX2660 started climbing into the danger zone. Panic mode engaged!

DIY Solution:

First, check the radiator and clean it of any debris or dirt that might be blocking airflow. If that doesn’t solve the issue, ensure that the cooling fan is functioning properly. Sometimes a faulty fan can lead to overheating.

Professional Solution:

If the cooling system seems fine, the problem could be more complex, like a malfunctioning thermostat or water pump. This might require professional attention and could cost around $250 to $400 to fix.

Costing Section for Hiring Professionals:

Hiring a professional to diagnose and fix your tractor issues can sometimes be a necessary expense. Here’s a rough breakdown of potential costs:

  1. Inspection Fee: $100 – $150
  2. PTO Clutch Repair: $200 – $300
  3. Hydraulic Repair: $150 – $400
  4. Cooling System Repair: $250 – $400

Remember, these are ballpark figures, and actual costs can vary based on location, labor rates, and the extent of the problem. It’s always a good idea to get a detailed quote before proceeding with any repairs.


Q1: Is the BX2660 a reliable tractor despite these problems?

Absolutely! Every machine has its quirks, and the BX2660 is no exception. Once you get past these hiccups, it’s a robust and dependable tractor for all your farming needs.

Q2: Can I avoid these problems altogether?

Regular maintenance is your best friend. Keep up with fluid changes, inspections, and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Prevention is better than cure, my friends!

Q3: Are there common electrical issues with this model?

Yes, electrical gremlins can pop up. Check your fuses, wiring, and switches periodically. Many times, it’s a simple fix that you can handle on your own.

Q4: How often should I service the BX2660?

Aim for a full service at least once a year or every 50-100 hours of operation. Regular checks on fluids, filters, and belts can save you from potential problems down the road.


So there you have it, folks – a glimpse into the world of Kubota BX2660 problems and their solutions, both DIY and professional.

It’s been quite a journey, and I’m grateful for the lessons these challenges have taught me. Remember, every tractor has its quirks, but with a little know-how and some professional assistance when needed, you’ll be back in the field in no time.

Hey, before I sign off, I want to invite you to share your own experiences and the problems you face regularly. Let’s turn this blog into a community of farming wisdom!

And if there’s a specific topic you want me to tackle next, drop a comment below. Until next time, happy farming and stay safe out there!

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