Is your lawnmower taking a long time to start? Are you tired of pulling the cord and waiting for it to start?
In such cases, the only solution would be to check your spark plug. The spark plug acts as an ignition source for your lawnmower’s engine. If there are any ignition issues, it is the right time to get the spark plug changed.
Changing a spark plug may seem like a complex task to most people. But, in reality, it is a piece of cake. You can easily remove the spark plug with minimal equipment at your home. Sounds easy, right?
So, let’s cut to the chase and get started!
How to remove a spark plug from a lawn mower?
You can go through the following steps to remove a lawnmower spark plug without even using a socket.
Step-1: Locate the lawnmower on an even surface
The first and foremost step is to park your lawnmower on an even surface. Keep in mind that an uneven surface will make it hard for you to work with.
After placing your lawnmower on a suitable surface, try to get a look at its underside. But whatever you do, do not tilt your lawnmower to the side. Because that would result in oil leakage, apart from this, remember to apply the parking brakes to stop your lawnmower from moving.
Step-2: Get ready with your tools
Secondly, like all other jobs, you need to gather a few basic types of equipment. We are all quite familiar with the most basic tool in removing a spark plug, which is a socket. But what can you do instead if you don’t have one?
There are a few alternative methods of removing a spark plug without a socket. Here are a few things that are needed to get the job done.
● Nose Pliers
● Wrench
● Strong Magnet
● A suitably sized nut wrench
These tools are pretty basic, and they are very easy to use. So, getting the spark plug removed won’t be a big deal!
Step-3: Remove the spark plug by using a wrench
After you’re done gathering all of the tools, disconnect the mower’s spark plug cables. If there’s any dirt or debris on the threads, wipe it off.
The size of the spark plugs varies from that of automobiles. Their thread sizes vary from 10 to 12 mm. And for removing these plugs, sockets sized around 3 to 4 inches are required. Since you are using a wrench, you need to adjust it to that size. You can use open-end, adjustable, or box-end wrenches.
Put the box-end or adjustable wrench on the spark plug and twist it in an anti-clockwise direction. Wrenches function the same as sockets. They are used for tightening or loosening. Just be careful about the size because the wrong-sized wrench won’t work. Note that you also need to be cautious while using it, or else you might damage the threads.
Step-4: Remove the spark plug using a Nose plier
In this step, you need to make use of the nose plier. Use the nose pliers’ metal gripping strands to grip the nut part of the spark plug. Then you need to pull it hard. This is an alternative method of removing the spark plug.
Step-5: Remove the spark plug using strong magnets
There’s also another easy way if the above steps don’t work out. There are spark plugs that are deep in the mower engine. So, they are pretty hard to remove using a wrench or nose plier.
So what can you do in such cases? You can pull them out using a magnet and a wrench. Put some strong magnets at the end of the wrench and bring it close to the spark plug’s terminal. The terminal will be attracted to the magnet, and you can pull the plug out easily.
Step-6: Remove the spark plug using a rubber hose
Another easy solution is to take a piece of rubber hose and put it on the end of the plug. And then rotate it in a clockwise direction to grab the terminal of the plug. After grabbing it, pull on it to remove the spark plug.
Step-7: Using lubrication
Sometimes, old spark plugs refuse to turn. The terminal gaps get reduced, and they get a little rusty. In such cases, spray some kind of lubricant and wait for a few minutes. Then, try to turn it in again.
When is the right time to get your spark plugs changed?
The most important part of a lawnmower is its spark plug. Because the spark plug acts as the source of ignition so, if anything happens to it, your lawnmower won’t get started.
There are quite a few signs through which you can understand that your lawnmower’s spark plug needs to get changed. For example, when it is harder than usual to start the lawnmower. Or even if the engine gets started, it may die out quickly. These are the most common signs that the spark plug needs to get replaced. Apart from these, there is also another way to determine it. And that is if the fuel consumption is way more than usual. That is a sign of a defective spark plug.
Moreover, the most optimum period for your lawnmower’s spark plug to get replaced would be about 50 hours of run time. Make sure you get it replaced, or else you will face problems with ignition.
Bottom Line
For proper maintenance, the most crucial task is to always keep your engine’s spark plugin check because a defective spark plug can create a lot of problems in the long run.
Most of the time, when your lawnmower isn’t starting or when it shuts down too quickly, it’s usually because of a damaged spark plug. It plays a great role in your lawnmower’s efficiency. The best solution during times like these would be to get it replaced. But most people consider removing spark plugs without sockets as a piece of work. However, it can easily be removed using a few basic tools. This comprehensive step-by-step guide will help you remove your defective spark plugin in no time.