Most Common Bobcat S750 Problems

The Bobcat S750 is a robust and widely used skid-steer loader, favored for its versatility in various construction and landscaping tasks. However, like any mechanical equipment, the Bobcat S750 is not immune to issues that can affect its performance and reliability.

In this article, we will explore some common problems that users might encounter with the Bobcat S750 and discuss potential solutions to these challenges.

Owning and operating heavy machinery like the Bobcat S750 comes with its own set of challenges. As users rely on this equipment to carry out tasks ranging from lifting heavy materials to digging and grading, it’s important to be aware of the potential problems that can arise.

From hydraulic system malfunctions to electrical issues, these problems can lead to downtime and project delays. Therefore, understanding these problems and knowing how to address them is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the Bobcat S750.

In the following sections, we will delve into specific problems that users might encounter with the Bobcat S750, providing insights into their potential causes and suggesting steps to troubleshoot and resolve them.

By familiarizing ourselves with these common issues and learning how to tackle them, operators can ensure smoother operations and maximize the performance of their Bobcat S750 skid-steer loaders. So, let’s dive into the details and equip ourselves with the knowledge to overcome these challenges effectively.

Bobcat S750 Overview Problems and Solutions:

The Bobcat S750 is a workhorse that has served me well over the years. With its impressive lifting capacity and robust performance, it’s a reliable partner in completing various farming tasks. Whether it’s moving heavy loads, digging trenches, or handling different attachments for various jobs, this tractor has never let me down.

Problem 1: Overheating Issues Overview:

One of the recurring problems I faced with the Bobcat S750 was overheating, especially during extended hours of operation, particularly on scorching summer days.

DIY Solution: To address overheating, I first made sure the radiator was clean from any debris or dirt that might be blocking the airflow. Regularly inspecting and cleaning the radiator can significantly reduce the risk of overheating.

Additionally, I installed a quality cooling fan, which made a noticeable difference in temperature regulation during extended use.

Hiring a Professional or Garage: If the overheating issue persists despite DIY efforts, it’s time to call in a professional. Hiring a skilled mechanic or taking the tractor to a local garage can help identify any underlying issues, such as a malfunctioning water pump or a damaged radiator, which might require expert attention.

Problem 2: Hydraulic System Leaks Overview:

Another challenge I encountered was hydraulic fluid leaks, which can be a frustrating problem to deal with, as it affects the machine’s performance and can lead to potential damage.

DIY Solution: When I noticed hydraulic leaks, I first inspected all the hydraulic hoses, connections, and seals for any visible signs of damage. Often, tightening loose connections and replacing damaged seals can resolve minor leaks. For smaller leaks, using a good-quality hydraulic sealant can serve as a temporary fix until you can get the necessary replacement parts.

Hiring a Professional or Garage: For more substantial hydraulic leaks or when the DIY approach doesn’t work, it’s best to consult a professional or a reputable garage. They have the expertise to detect and fix complex hydraulic system issues efficiently. The cost of hiring a professional can vary based on the severity of the leak and local labor rates, but it’s a worthy investment to prevent further damage.

Problem 3: Unusual Noises and Vibrations Overview:

Like a loyal friend, the Bobcat S750 communicates with us through various sounds and vibrations. However, if you notice any unusual or excessive noises or vibrations, it’s essential to investigate promptly.

DIY Solution: When faced with odd noises or vibrations, the first thing I do is conduct a thorough visual inspection. I check for loose bolts, damaged parts, or anything that seems out of place. Additionally, inspecting the tires for any wear or damage is crucial, as uneven tires can cause vibrations during operation.

Hiring a Professional or Garage: If you’re unsure about the cause of the noises or vibrations, it’s best to seek help from a professional. They can conduct a more in-depth analysis, diagnose the issue accurately, and perform any necessary repairs, ensuring your Bobcat S750 runs smoothly again.

Costing Section for Hiring Professionals: The cost of hiring a professional mechanic or taking your Bobcat S750 to a local garage can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the problem, labor rates in your region, and the cost of replacement parts.

On average, you can expect to pay between $100 to $200 per hour for the services of a skilled mechanic.

Keep in mind that some issues may require more extended periods of labor, which could increase the overall cost. Always ask for a detailed estimate before proceeding with any repairs.


Q: How often should I inspect my Bobcat S750 to avoid potential problems?

A: It’s a good practice to perform regular inspections, especially before and after long hours of use. Additionally, conduct maintenance checks at least once a month to ensure everything is in top shape.

Q: Can I use generic replacement parts for my Bobcat S750?

A: While generic parts may seem like a cost-effective option, I recommend using genuine Bobcat parts or reputable aftermarket parts specifically designed for your model. These ensure better compatibility and performance.

Q: What’s the recommended maintenance schedule for the Bobcat S750?

A: Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for the recommended maintenance schedule. It typically includes routine tasks such as oil changes, filter replacements, and lubrication.


Well, there you have it, fellow farmers and tractor enthusiasts! The Bobcat S750 is undoubtedly a trusty companion on the farm, but as with any machinery, it comes with its own set of challenges. From overheating to hydraulic leaks and odd noises, addressing these issues promptly is essential to keep your tractor running in top-notch condition.

Remember, some problems can be solved with simple DIY solutions, but don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed. The cost of hiring a skilled mechanic is a small price to pay to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your beloved Bobcat S750.

I hope my experiences and solutions have been helpful to you. If you’ve faced any other recurring problems with your tractors or if there’s a specific topic you’d like me to cover in my future blog posts, feel free to reach out and share your thoughts. Until next time, happy farming, and may your fields be ever bountiful!

Goodbye, Note: Thank you for joining me on this journey through the Bobcat S750’s common problems and solutions.

Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out my other blog entries where I share more of my experiences with various gardening tractor models.

Until next time, keep sharing your thoughts and experiences, and let’s continue learning and growing together as a community of passionate farmers and agriculture enthusiasts! Happy farming, and see you soon!

Reader Engagement: I’m always curious to know what challenges my fellow farmers face regularly. If you have any specific problems you’d like me to address in my future blog posts, drop a comment below or send

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